Elder abuse can include physical, sexual, financial, and even emotional abuse against an elderly person. Sadly, elder abuse is quite widespread, and seriously underreported. Signs of elder abuse can be missed by family members, and even by professionals, if they are not adequately trained in spotting such abuse. For example, unexplained bruising can be just one sign of elder abuse. Isolation, unexplained fear, and sudden financial problems can all be other signs that elder abuse is occurring.
An Oklahoma jury has awarded $1.2 million to the three daughters of a 96-year-old woman who was abused by caretakers at the Quail Creek Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center in Oklahoma. Eryetha Mayberry suffered from dementia. One day, the woman’s daughters suspected that someone at the nursing home might be stealing money from their vulnerable mother. They installed a hidden camera, and found something much worse than stealing. Instead, they found evidence of two workers physically abusing their elderly mother.
Lucy Waithira Gakunga and Caroline Kaseke were caught on tape forcing Mayberry to lie down by shoving her head, a maneuver than made it difficult for Mayberry to breathe. The tape also showed one of the women forcing rubber gloves into Mayberry’s mouth while the other watched. The duo was fired by the nursing home and will face criminal charges for their inexcusable behavior.
Mayberry’s three daughters released the tape in connection with a nursing home abuse case they filed against the Quail Creek Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center. Just a few months later, their mother passed away from natural causes. Now, just a few years later, the case has gone before a jury, and the Mayberrys have come out victorious. The Oklahoma jury awarded $1.2 million to Mayberry’s three daughters.
If your loved one has suffered from nursing home abuse, don’t wait another minute before calling the expert Boston nursing home abuse lawyers at the Law Offices of Gilbert R. Hoy, Jr. and Affiliates today. Reach us 24/7 at 617-787-3700.