In a protracted legal battle, your greatest asset is, without a doubt, a tenacious and diligent personal injury attorney. In a personal injury case, your first phone call or email, after you have received medical care, should be to the Law Offices of Gilbert R. Hoy, Jr. and Affiliates. Our Boston car accident attorney experts have more than 25 years of litigation and settlement experience, and we have recovered millions of dollars in damages for our injured clients. If you or a loved one have been hurt by someone’s reckless conduct behind the wheel, you may be entitled to significant pecuniary damages. Please call our Massachusetts law firm, 24/7, at 617-787-3700 or email us at for your free and confidential consultation. Your needs are our top priority!
Centuries ago, it would take days, sometimes even weeks, to travel a mere fifty miles. Today, that distance is slightly above the average person’s 30 minute commute to work. This fact is representative of the great advances that have come in recent years. To some, it is also an indication of the progress we have yet to make.
Simply put, society is much faster today than it once was. Some see this as a positive thing, because we have managed to advance so far in so little time. However, to others, it may seem too much, too fast. People are constantly rushing to get to where they need to go, driven by the all-powerful dollar. But when the lives and well-being of innocent people get in the way, the consequences can be catastrophic. Impatient or reckless drivers are especially guilty of this. They constantly disregard the safety of others.
On Thursday, February 5, 2015, an accident took place in Kissimmee, Florida when a 12-year-old boy was crossing the street. Caleb Burgos, a resident of Kissimmee, was walking to his school bus at around 6:40 am. The driver of the bus had turned on the bus’s flashing yellow lights, indicating to oncoming eastbound traffic that there were children crossing the street. At that moment, however, the female driver of a four door Nissan sedan was not paying attention to the crosswalk or the flashing lights of the bus. The Nissan struck young Caleb as he was crossing the street, causing serious injuries to his legs, torso, and arms. He was treated by paramedics and rushed to the Arnold Palmer Hospital in Orlando, Florida. The 44-year-old female driver of the Nissan had an adult passenger and two children in the backseat of her car. None of the occupants of the Nissan were injured in the car accident. The status of Caleb is currently unknown.
If you or a loved one have been injured in a Massachusetts car accident, you may be entitled to significant compensatory damages from the responsible parties. Please do not delay—your potential claim may be time-sensitive! Call our Boston personal injury lawyers at 617-787-3700 or email for your no-cost consultation.