Lead contamination can happen in a variety of ways. The most notorious way is when someone comes into contact with an old wall that has lead paint. In fact, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, about 250,000 children in the United States, ranging from 15 years-old and younger, have a level of lead in their blood—high enough to constitute lead poisoning. However, drinking liquids that have lead in them, such as water, also contaminates people far too frequently.
The Flint, Michigan contamination arose when two major companies tried to treat the drinking water and failed. The two companies that were responsible in treating the water were: the French company, Veolia, and the Texas engineering firm, Lockwood, Andrews and Newman, also known as (LAN.) Due to this event, the Attorney General of Michigan has started civil suits against the companies. The French company, Veolia, even reported that the water complied with State and Federal regulations. Nonetheless, it reportedly failed in identifying the leading cause of the lead-tainted water, the corrosion that was happening in the lead pipes. According to CNN news, the houses during the contamination period, 40% of the homes in Flint, had a high level of lead in their water.
Michigan’s Attorney General commented on the situation: “They failed miserably in their job, basically botched it, didn’t stop the water in Flint from being poisoned.” Among the charges against the two companies responsible for the crisis are: negligence, fraud and public nuisance.
If you or a family member has been affected by lead poisoning, you may be able to recover personal injury damages. To learn more about your legal options in a free and confidential consultation, please contact our Massachusetts lead poisoning attorneys and Boston, MA personal injury lawyers today at 617-787-3700. You can also reach our Massachusetts personal injury attorneys at info@gilhoylaw.com.