Forty six year-old Lisa-Marie Carter is suing her doctor in a medical malpractice lawsuit after he perforated her bowel during an outpatient ovarian cyst removal surgery. The wound resulted in necrotizing fasciitis, a potentially deadly flesh-eating bacterium, which is a rare and serious disease that can destroy body tissue, skin and fat. After what should have been a four-hour surgery, Carter left the hospital a full six months later- without her hands or her feet.
Carter claims that her doctor accidentally sliced through her bowel during her November 2010 procedure, but failed to notice the mistake. Her complaint filed in court alleges that when she used the restroom the next day, her incision opened up, releasing “copious” amounts of fluid. Three days later, her doctor inspected the wound, found that the bowel had been sliced, and discovered the flesh-eating bacteria. He cut that part of her stomach away, and Carter underwent another eight operations over the course of the next 12 days to remove more of her stomach, intestines and muscle.
Carter’s forearms and lower legs had to be amputated when doctors realized they weren’t getting sufficient blood flow. She now endures rehabilitation sessions in which she must learn how to live with prosthetic limbs.
If you, a friend or your loved one has suffered substantial personal injuries or a wrongful death as the result of Massachusetts medical malpractice, please call the Boston, MA medical malpractice lawyer advocates at the Boston Law Offices of Gilbert R. Hoy, Jr. and Affiliates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at 617-787-3700.
The Massachusetts medical malpractice personal injury attorney professionals at our full service Boston, MA personal injury lawyer law firm are some of the most highly skilled attorneys the Commonwealth has to offer and will work diligently to get you and your family the personal injury damages or wrongful death damages you deserve under the facts of your Massachusetts medical malpractice claim.
Our Boston, Massachusetts medical malpractice lawyer specialists are available to you 24/7 at 617-787-3700. If more convenient, send us an email at Please do not hesitate to contact one of our Massachusetts medical mistake attorney advocates today for a free and confidential consultation.
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