While workplace accidents are undoubtedly tragic, they may also be preventable. Negligent employers often do not provide adequate care for their employees, particularly those engaged in already dangerous professions. In such a situation, it may be wise to contact an expert wrongful death attorney at 617-787-3700.
A 2016 explosion that left two workers dead is now the subject of a lawsuit filed against the asphalt company for whom they worked. Reports indicate that Mohawk Asphalt Emulsions, a company based out of New York, has been cited for safety violations that may have contributed to the explosion. Joseph Nichols, who died in the explosion accident, was asked to use a blow torch to loosen a clog in a holding tank that contained a significant amount of kerosene. Because Joseph was wearing flammable clothing, the severity of the burns resulting from the explosion caused him to die in the hospital two days later. It is implied that Mohawk failed to provide adequate and proper protective gear to Nichols.
If a loved one has been killed in a workplace accident, you may be entitled to monetary relief for the wrongful death of that person. Act now and contact one of our expert explosion accident attorneys here at the Law Offices of Gilbert R. Hoy, Jr. and Affiliates to discuss your potential claim. Call us today at 617-787-3700 or email us at info@gilhoylaw.com for your free and private consultation. Your needs are our top priority!