Sexual harassment is far more common than we might be willing to believe. In fact, an estimated 54% of workers have experienced some form of workplace sexual harassment during their lifetime. Sexual harassment can come in many forms, including persistent offensive comments, or more obvious forms of harassment like unwelcome touching.
Angel and Luis Santiago are identical twin brothers and police officers with the City of Bridgeton Police Department in New Jersey. According to a lawsuit recently filed by five female co-workers, Angel repeatedly subjected them to sexual harassment. Later, when they complained, Luis retaliated by making false complaints against them. The lawsuit was filed by five women who worked closely with the brothers as sergeants, detectives, dispatchers and secretaries within the police department.
According to the five plaintiffs, Angel Santiago engaged in repeated acts of sexual harassment against women in the department. He would allegedly run his genitals against the women, touch their breasts and attempt to kiss them. He spread false rumors that he was sexually involved with co-workers and showed the women cellphone videos of him engaging in sex. The complaint went on to describe more than four pages of instances of sexual harassment.
Following an internal investigation, Angel was suspended from the police department without pay in October of 2013. In the months after his twin brother was suspended, Luis Santiago made several false complaints against the plaintiffs. According to Fusion Blog, Luis also made dirty looks at the plaintiffs and engaged in other hostile conduct against them.
No one should be subjected to sexual harassment in the workplace. To talk with one of our dedicated Boston sexual harassment lawyer specialists about your potential claim, please call 617-787-3700.