Police in Delhi, India have filed a First Information Report (“FIR”) after it was revealed that a 7 year-old girl was raped inside a school in the Mongolpuri municipality of Delhi.
In India, an FIR is a complaint lodged with the police by the victim of a cognizable offense. Only after an FIR is registered with the police station can the police begin the investigation of a case.
The FIR was submitted to the Delhi Police after a medical examination confirmed that the girl has been raped. The elementary school student is presently recovering at the Sanjay Gandhi Hospital, after suffering internal bleeding from the sexual assault incident.
According to the FIR, the girl was raped this past Thursday afternoon during school hours by a man inside her school. Traumatized from the brutal sexual assault, the girl was unable to provide any information about her attacker.
Police officials are coordinating with school authorities to identify and apprehend the child’s attacker.
Have you or someone you love been the victim of a Massachusetts sexual assault or sexual harassment? If so, please call our Massachusetts sexual assault attorneys, Boston personal injury lawyers or Massachusetts wrongful death attorneys, 24/7, at 617-787-3700. Our expert Boston injury lawyers will be pleased to provide you with a free and confidential consultation regarding the merits of your sexual assault personal injury claim.
Our Boston, Massachusetts sexual harassment lawyers, Boston, MA personal injury lawyers and Boston, MA wrongful death lawyers work around the clock to ensure that you and your family receive the full and fair personal injury damages or wrongful death damages that you deserve under Massachusetts law.
Please remember to call 617-787-3700, or email info@gilhoylaw.com, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to find out from an expert Massachusetts attorney whether you are entitled to monetary compensation.
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